Aims and Vision

Everyone in our school family - children, staff, parents and governors - learn together, grow together and strive to be the very best they can be:

We are a small school supporting big ambitions. We inspire children to love learning, to have fun and to express their individuality. We are successful and friendly, providing an outstanding education for local children of all backgrounds. Our staff work collaboratively to provide exciting, creative, innovative and flexible learning experiences in and outside of the classroom. Our parents support all aspects of school life and participate in their child’s learning.

We :
Strive for all students to be working at, above, or well above national standards, whilst maintaining a strong individual approach with each student making the best progress that they can
Develop excellent teaching, assessment and learning skillsets for all subjects and accommodate a wide range of student learning styles in school
Enhance leadership roles among teachers for subject area oversight, attainment and learning.
Promote positive, supportive and friendly behaviour throughout learning and break-times

The mission statement of our school talks of valuing the individuality of all our children. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. Within this ethos of achievement, we do not tolerate bullying and harassment of any kind. We ensure that this school promotes the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background. We aim to reflect the multi-ethnic nature of our society and ensure that the education we offer fosters positive attitudes to all people.

Over the next three years, we aim to achieve 4 major goals.
We will be a leading participant of a Multi Academy Trust, with outstanding leadership at all levels that is flexible, professional and agile, both financially and in terms of Learning and Teaching.

We will:
Benefit from and contribute to the MAT community of schools’ financial viability and collaborative working; it will be a local solution – rooted in our own community but connected and outward facing - developing holistic individuals.
Support the highest standards in Teaching and Learning through participation in a Teaching School developing new staff and ensuring succession planning.
Ensure the best possible array of teaching and learning methods to promote progress for all students.
Surround ourselves with complementary strengths from other schools within the MAT to develop provision, opportunity and progress for all pupils

We will be a destination, community school with a high profile and excellent reputation.

We will:
Be a respected and integral part of the local community
Increase the % of people choosing us as a first-choice school, maintaining or expanding pupil numbers.
Provide excellent and passionate learning and teaching for all children with associated provision of care leading to a lifetime of social connection to the community.

We will have a creative and stimulating learning environment indoors and outdoors to support pupil progress by:

Implementing best practice teaching supported by research and training resources, and breadth of experience among teachers in every area of the curriculum
Creating more, and facilitating more access to, green space and outdoor activities to support or complement classroom learning and teaching
Maintaining breadth of topics taught against constraints defined by the current curriculum and testing culture.

We will develop our strong and committed parent community contributions to school development through strategic use of time, expertise, skills and enthusiasm.

We will:
Develop and strengthen the integration of the aims, objectives and activity of the Parent Friends Association into the School Curriculum and Strategic Development Plan
Expand involvement by increasing knowledge of community/parental skills and talents
Generate outreach and in-reach opportunities from the school towards local businesses and the community
Develop further the use of IT and the World Wide Web to help parents support their children’s learning.