Squirrel Class Blog

Tuesday 20th September - Festival of Mind

We were lucky enough to take part in the Festival of Mind in Sheffield City Centre today. All of KS2 had half a day completing a Maker's Emporium workshop and half a day exploring the National Videogames Museum! It was fantastic to see the children working together, being creative and using their problem solving skills.

Our first unit of work will be all about 'Mapping the World and Europe'. Here is a copy of the knowledge mat that you will be bringing home.

Welcome back Squirrel class!

Take a look at our Autumn 1 timetable below to see when your favourite subject is!

PE days - Monday and Friday

WOMEN'S EUROS 17/7/2022  

Switzerland vs Netherlands

WOMEN'S EUROS 13/7/2022

Sweden vs Switzerland

Wednesday 13th July - Y4 flute performance

Thursday 7th July 2022 - Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Wow, what an exciting trip! We finally got to meet our pen pals from Manor Lodge Community School and we spent the day exploring the park grounds, sketching some of the sculptures and we even had a go at making our own sculptures too!

Bradfield Dungworth Sports Day - Wednesday 29th June 2022

Thursday 23rd June

Thank you to Mr Machon for coming in to talk to us about Wild Flowers in the Peak District and for leaving us a copy of your book! The children have been set homework to take pictures and identify local wild flowers. The winner will receive the copy of Mr Machon's book as treat!

Y3/4 achieved 2nd place at the Sheffield Links Football final!

Thursday 16th June - Land art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

Friday 10th June - Dissecting plants 

Tuesday 7th June - Summer 2 timetable

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022

Wednesday 26th May - Creswell Crags day trip

Thursday 19th May - Stone Age communication

This week we created our own Stone Age shelters on the school yard and tried to communicate between our settlement by only drawing cave painting style images on a whiteboard. The other huts in our settlement had to guess what message we were trying to communicate! 

Wednesday 18th May - Programming Beebots

YHA Ravenstor - class residential 

Tuesday 29th March - Badminton

Over the half term we have been learning how to play badminton. We have worked on our foot work, serving skills and how to return the shuttlecock. This week we all had a go at a game with the really tall nets!

Wednesday 23rd March - length and perimeter group work

Thursday 17th March - Starburst rocks

We explored our rocks learning with a starburst sweetie experiment. The children applied heat and pressure to change the sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock.

Wednesday 9th March - soil experiment

Over the last couple of weeks we have been looking at different types of soil. We decided to set up an experiment to see where cress would grow the best. We had sand, topsoil, subsoil, clay soil and bed rock (rocks from the yard). We have made predictions on which we think will grow the best. What do you think?

Monday 28th February - Length and Perimeter 

This week we have moved on to length and perimeter learning. The Y4s will also be learning about area too. Your child has been sent home with a knowledge organiser. Please look through the mathematical vocabulary with them. 

Monday 28th February - Friday 4th March 2022

Acorn class have a TTRS battle coming up very soon! We will be playing against our linking class at Manor Lodge Primary School. The children can play from 7am to 7pm daily. Winners will be announced at the end of the week!


Wednesday 23rd February - English sequencing

Earlier this week, we predicted the order of our English book from 'pavement to mantle' using our Geography and Science knowledge. Today we checked the order using the book and labelled each of the sections on our tablets.

Spring 2 - Rocks and Magnets (science focus)

English text - The Street Beneath My Feet

Book Study text - Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Spring 2 timetable

Monday - please arrive 'beach ready' under your school uniform for swimming.

Tuesday - you may wear your PE kit/active uniform to school all day.

Tuesday 1st February - Gymnastics

This half term we have been learning how to do balances, rolls and leaps. For our final session this week, we put a combination of these together to make a gymnastics sequence with our partner. 

Tuesday 11th January - Knucklebones

This week we are writing a set of instructions to teach someone how to play the traditional Roman game of Knucklebones. We have been learning a little about the Romans alongside our Escape from Pompeii book and we decided to have a go at playing Knucklebones ourselves!

Thursday 6th January - Atlas work

Today we have been working on our map reading skills whilst leaning about volcanoes. We have used the volcano non-fiction books alongside the internet on tablets and atlases to identify the' famous volcanoes of the world'.

Tuesday 4th January - Extreme Earth

This half term we are learning about Extreme Earth in Geography, focusing on natural disasters and their impact on communities around the world. We will be using Escape from Pompeii in English and The Abominables in Book Study to support this unit of work. 

Your child has been sent home with a copy of this knowledge mat for your reference. 

Happy New Year Acorn class!

Here is our timetable for Spring 1 half term. Our assembly slot has moved to Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9am. Our PE days are still Monday and Tuesday and our Computing slot is still Friday afternoon. 

Our completed nightlights using Crumble Controllers!!

DT Crumble Controllers - After designing the exterior of our night light last week, we have programmed our Crumble this week using the software online. After we sent the programme to the crumble through the micro-USB we ran the programme on a circuit and make the light sparkle! Next week we will put the night light inside of our box and we will evaluate our DT work this half term. 

Gurdwara Sikh Temple - today Acorn class visited a Sikh temple in Sheffield. We learned all about the religion in the prayer room and we even had some food in the dining room!


Science - reflection photography

COP26 - We have been thinking about the environment and the efforts that we can make in our local community. We have created a paper and card recycling bin for our classroom and we also went outside and did a litter pick in our school yard!

Science - Light and Dark


This half term we will be learning about light and dark. Your child has been given a knowledge mat to share this learning with you!

Autumn 2 timetable - Welcome back Acorn class!

Recycling Week - making sculptures out of our own recycling from home!

Friday 24th September - Ordering 3 and 4 digit numbers on a human number line

Thursday 23rd September - Greek food tasting

Wednesday 22nd September - Exploring Pneumatics in DT

Thursday 16th September - Place Value


Today we took our learning outside and played a place value linking game. We had to read out a question such as 'What is 10 less than 108?' and then find the person with the answer. This week we have been practising 1 more and less, 10 more and less, 100 more and less and 1000 more and less.

Autumn 1 - Ancient Greek knowledge mat

Welcome back 2021

Please take a look at our timetable for Autumn 1 half term. We have had to move some lessons around but this is our final timetable for Acorn class.

PE days - Monday and Tuesday

Acorn Sports Day 2021

Thursday 8th and Friday 9th July - Underbank Activity Centre

Here are a few pictures from our 2 days at Unberbank! We took part in lots of activities such as Archery, Climbing, Orienteering, Raft Building, Bushcraft and Kayaking!

Wednesday 7th July - Final recorders performance

This Wednesday was our last recorders lesson with Miss Ward. We have played 3 different songs that we have been learning over the past term for you to watch!


If anyone from Y4 wants to carry on with Music lessons next year when they are in Ivy class, they can book Miss Ward for flute lessons. Please complete the application form on the MUSIC HUB website https://www.sheffieldmusichub.org/form_builder_forms/copy-of-music-lessons-application-summer-2021-2

Thursday 1st July - Den building

Over the Summer term, we have been lucky enough to have den building equipment on the yard to play with. We have really enjoyed using our imagination and working together as a team to construct different dens every day!

Friday 11th June - Telling the time

We have been learning how to tell the time to five minutes, so today we decided to get hands on! We drew a clock on the table by using fives rods to count the minutes and labelled each time.

Tuesday 8th June - Circus skills

Today was our first 'circus skills' lesson with Miss Hatcher. We learned the difference between a sport and a performing art, as well as having a go at some juggling skills with silks. We can't wait for next week's lesson!

Monday 7th June - Welcome Back!

Please take a look at our timetable for this half term until the end of Summer 2. 

Monday PE - Swimming

Tuesday PE - Circus skills

Science - Plants and Animals

Additional Book Study - Romans

Monday 24th May - Yorkshire Water workshop

For our final week of Rivers and Water Cycle learning, we have been lucky enough to have an Education Adviser come in from Yorkshire Water. We had a great morning taking part in the workshop and have learned more about how to keep our water clean and what is safe to put down our toilets. 

Tuesday 11th May - Atlas skills

In Geography we are currently look at Rivers. Today we used our Atlas skills and used the Index to find rivers of given cities. 

Thursday 6th May - Erosion and Deposition

This week our topic learning has taken us outside to conduct our very own Erosion and Deposition investigation. We looked at how the source of the water with a strong current can move and carry rocks and soil down the river channel.

Wednesday 5th May - Dialogue role play

In English, we are currently looking at direct speech again. We have been outside to role play the conversation between Mr Toad and Mr Badger from The Wind in the Willows, before we came back inside and wrote up our speech bubbles with accurate punctuation.

Friday 30th April - making our own rivers

We have started learning about rivers and the water cycle this half term, so today we decided to put our new knowledge to the test and try to construct a river from source to mouth. We could use whatever resources we wanted in the classroom!

Wednesday 28th April - Human bingo (with fractions!)

Today, we took our fractions knowledge outside and used chalk to create a human bingo card. We could either write a fraction using numerals, draw a representation or write it in words. Once we made our bingo card, Miss Reilly shouted out a fraction and we had to find it, or its equivalent!

Tuesday 27th April - sending letters to our linking school

Over this academic year, we have connected with a partner school from inner city Sheffield. We have done various virtual activities with them but we are now posting our first written letters!

Wednesday 21st April - Recorders

Today, Acorn class have started their recorder lessons with Miss Ward from the Sheffield Music Hub. We are all socially distanced in the school hall and each have our own colourful recorder case.

Monday 19th April - Welcome back!


Here is the updated class timetable for Acorn class up until May half term. We are doing a Rivers topic in Geography which is linked to the Wind in the Willows for our English. We will be using water colours in Art and making models of the water cycle as well as beginning recorder lessons on Wednesdays. In Computing we will be doing a unit of coding using the Scratch programme. 

Monday PE - Swimming with Mr Myers

Tuesday PE - Invasion Games with Miss Reilly

French skipping is our 'Craze of the Week' for our final week before Easter break!

Tuesday 23rd March - pitch and volume

Today in our Science lesson, we were exploring different instruments to check our knowledge of pitch and volume. We had a go at feeling the vibrations with tuning forks and guitar strings and anaylsed the difference between a longer note and shorter note of a glockenspiel. 

RED NOSE DAY - Dress up as your superhero!

Tuesday 16th March - PE Gymnastics


This half term we are working on our Gymnastics skills in our PE lessons with Miss Reilly. Last week, we learned 4 different types of leaps and this week we have learned how to travel and incorporate these leaps into movement. Today, we have looked at 3 different types of rolling: log roll, egg roll and a shoulder roll. We worked in pairs and supported each other.

Monday 8th March - Welcome back!


Here is the updated class timetable for Acorn class up until Easter half term. Our PE slots have changed slightly and our Computing lesson has moved to Friday afternoon.

Monday PE - Swimming with Mr Myers

Tuesday PE - Gymnastics with Miss Reilly

Thursday 4th March - Pizza making


Over the last two weeks, we have been doing a Pizza Monster topic. We have been writing instructions on how to make a pizza for a Monster Party. To celebrate the end of the topic and the end of remote learning, we decided to make our very own pizzas in class. We practised using equipment safely, working as a team and cleaning up our own mess.

Friday 12th February - Chinese New Year

On Thursday, we made lanterns to celebrate Chinese New Year. We discussed the importance of the festival and the meaning behind hope and new beginnings. 

Thursday 11th February - Greek Project

This week we have had a competition between our school houses in Acorn class. We have been creating Greek Projects in our teams all about Greek Myths, such as Medusa, King Midas, Theseus and the Minotaur and Arachne. The children in school and at home have been taking part in live lessons and collaboratively planning their creative projects.

Friday 5th February - Golden Assembly


This week in Golden Assembly we took a look back at our lockdown learning from Spring 1. We put all of our pictures together and had some reflection time on a live video call with children at home and children in school.

Thursday 28th January - The Big Schools Winterwatch


Today we all joined in with the BBC Live lesson (at home and at school) and then we completed a reading comprehension about what we had learned. Afterwards, we headed outside to create a bird using our outdoor art skills!

Wellbeing Wednesday - Homemade Rainbows


During Spring 1, we have started taking the afternoon on a Wednesday to have a brain break from screen time and to complete an activity to focus on our wellbeing at home and in school. This week we made rainbows out of household or classroom items and sent them in on Seesaw!

Thursday 21st January - chocolate making


During Spring 1 lockdown, we have been using the Oak National Academy units to support our English learning. We have been learning about the chocolate making process from growing the cocoa pods to melting and moulding the chocolate. We are currently writing an explanation text about the process. This afternoon we decided to give the mixing and moulding stage a go in school. The children who are learning remotely have been sending their pictures in via Seesaw!

Spring Term 1 - lockdown timetable


In class we will be following this suggested lockdown timetable to keep us focused. Please try and follow this (or similar) at home to ensure consistency across our class learning.

Wednesday 16th December 2020 - Chocolate melting experiment


Today in class we conducted an experiment for our States of Matter unit. We used our Book Study book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, to influence us and decided to melt chocolate...yum! We measured the time it took for the different types of chocolate to melt: white, milk and dark. After we came back from break the chocolate was a solid again!!

Tuesday 15th December 2020 - Christmas Fayre not Fayre


This morning, Acorn class were lucky enough to have the Christmas 'Not Fayre' in the hall with the games created by the PFA. As a lot of the our children are of PFA members, they volunteered to run the games as their parents could not be in school due to restrictions. A great morning was had by all!

Acorn class Christmas card

Wednesday 9th December - Multiplicative arrays


This week we have been looking at deepening our understanding of the multiplication tables through using concrete resources such as counters. We had to create the array with our partner and then divide by a given number into equal groups.

December 2020 - Elf on the Shelf


Uh oh it looks like our class elf, Mr Jeffery Jingle, has been up to no good this weekend! He has made a mess with all of our base ten resources!!

Thursday 26th November - Teeth


Over the past few weeks we have been learning about teeth and the digestive system and today we embedded that learning into our long term memory by recreating our own set of teeth! We used small white marshmallows to represent the incisors, small pink marshmallows for the canines and marzipan for the premolars and molars.

Tuesday 24th November - Multiplication and Division


This week we have been cracking on with our multiplication and division learning. We have been using the games on MATHSFRAME to support our learning! Have you tried these at home with you child?


Remember that we have a school log on that everyone can use.

username: bradfielddungworthmaths

password: bradfielddungworthmaths

Thursday 19th November - Digestive System experiment


This week we have consolidated some of our learning of the digestive system by doing an experiment. We used bread, crackers and bananas for the food and crushed them up in a food bag to represent the stomach. We added orange juice and water to demonstrate how stomach acid and saliva help break down the food. Then we transported the food from the stomach into the intestines which were a pair of tights. We squeezed the food down to get all of the nutrients and water out before pushing it out of the cup for our end result!

Monday 16th November - Multiplication and Division Knowledge Organisers


From Monday we will be moving on from Addition and Subtraction and looking at Multiplication and Division up until Christmas. Please take a look at the Knowledge Organisers below and familiairse your child with the mathematical language. A hard copy will be sent home with them as always, for your reference. 

Children in Need day 2020

Thursday 12th October - Acorn class feelings chart


Since coming back to school after October Half Term we have been looking back at the feelings chart we created as a class at the start of the year. We used the 5 point scale to support us to recognise our feelings, but then added our own words. Every morning and afternoon we 'check in' and move our picture to the colour that we are feeling. This has been a great way for us to have class discussions about our feelings and address any worries we may have that might affect our school day and learning.

Thursday 5th November - Direct Speech role play


This week we have started reading our new topic book, The Incredible Book Eating Boy. We then had a go at role playing to explore the use of direct speech between three characters. We had great fun pretending to be Henry (the book eating boy!) and we produced some lovely sentences using inverted commas to show direct speech.

Autumn Term 2 - Digestive System


Well done to all of our Acorns and their families for making it through the first full term back to school together! It has been a tricky time recently, but it has been fantastic to be back in the classroom again.


When we return after our well deserved half term break we will be starting our new science topic, The Digestive System. Take a look at your knowledge mat before we get started and try to familiarise yourself with some of the key vocabulary for our topic.

Spooky Day 2020

Wednesday 21st October - Homework due


Well done to everyone who has already completed their Egyptian homework, we have had some fantastic work uploaded onto Seesaw!

Remember that the deadline is Wednesday 21st October 2020, so please have a go at one of the challenges and make sure it is completed before we break up for half term.

Looking forward to seeing all of your Egyptian creations!

Autumn 1 D&T project - Egyptian inspired handbags 

Tuesday 20th October - Adding and subtracting 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s


This week we have be practising using concrete resources with our place value counters and grids to support us in adding and subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers. We have been building up our number sense and focusing on patterns and fact families that we recognise!

Monday 12th October - Addition and Subtraction


Acorn class have now completed their Place Value unit in Mathematics and are now moving onto Addition and Subtraction. Below are images of the knowledge organisers we will be using for this unit. The children have one in their books to support their learning and another copy will be sent home with them before half term.


Please help your child to become familiar with the mathematical language as we will be using this a lot in class when we are discussing our work.

Thursday 8th October - Problem solving and reasoning


As our unit of Place Value comes to an end we have been practicing our problem solving and reasoning skills. Today we took our learning outdoors and tried our hand at some problem solving in the sunshine!

Tuesday 6th October - painting like Egyptians 


Today we painted our Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph clay thinking about the colours that would've been used in ancient times. The background was dull and brown like papyrus or limestone and the hieroglyphs were bright bold colours that stood out.

Thursday 1st October - Hieroglyph clay work


On Tuesday we started to learn about Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and we created some maths puzzles using their ancient number system. Then on Thursday we looked at their alphabet and carved our first names into pieces of clay.

Thursday 24th September - Pyramid building

On Tuesday we researched pyramids and created a design proposal to build our own in pairs. Then on Thursday we put our plans to the test and created our very own Ancient Egyptian pyramids (with Lego, spaghetti and marshmallows!).

Friday 18th September - Imagining History workshop


On Friday we were lucky enough to have two visitors from Imaging History come and talk to use about Ancient Egypt. We were able to share all of our Egyptian knowledge and learn some new facts too.

Thanks to Laura and Adrian for a fantastic workshop! 

Good morning Acorns, Parents and Carers! 

I'm very much looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow morning ready for the start of our year together in Acorn class. This year in class we will have Mrs Cooper and myself, Miss Reilly!

This first Autumn term our focus question is 'How can we recreate the wonder of Ancient Egypt?' so I have put our 'knowledge mat' and the homework sheet below for you to take a look!


p.s. we have PE every Monday and Friday afternoon and on those days you can come into school in your PE kit/School uniform with comfy bottoms and shoes all day!

For those of you who want to tinker on tinkercad.com here is our class code:



 Acorn Science Plants Summer 2.pdfDownload
 Art Summer 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Summer 2

Dear Acorns,

We hope you enjoyed the spell of lovely weather during what was possibly the strangest half-term break we've ever had. We also hope that you are enjoying some of the new freedoms we can enjoy as the lockdown is carefully lifted. 

Remember, although it seems like we have been living through this chaotic period for ever, it will end sometime and we will see you all again. You will see your friends again.

Keep thinking about the things you are enjoying about the historic time we are in: time with family, nice weather, time to catch up on films and TV you might have been missing...

And, keep in your mind the knowledge that all seasons change. All things come to an end and you will get through this and look back on a unique experience that no one has had or will ever have again. 

Our Science topic this term is Plants and Flowers. I hope you enjoy the tasks that have been set for you! 


Kind Regards


Mr McPhail

Week 6

Hello Acorns!

Well done! This has been a challenging time for you all and we are very proud of how well you have carried on learning and nurturing your curiosity!

Here are your final tasks for History and Art this half-term.

Hope to see you all soon,

Mr McPhail

 Art Week 6.pdfDownload
 History Week 6.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Week 5

 Hello Acorns!

We hope you are all well and you haven't gone mad indoors during the colder weather!

Here are your tasks for History and Art.

The are this week is linked to the rainbows we made earlier in the term. We will be making something called a colour study - based on the work of Russian artist Wassily Kadinsky.

Best Wishes and stay safe,

Mr McPhail

 Art Week 5.pdfDownload
 History Week 5.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Week 4

Hello Acorns,

We are missing you all! Here are your tasks for Art and History this Week.

Best Wishes,

Mr McPhail

 Art Week 4.pdfDownload
 Geometric Patterns - 5 Overlapping Circles Grids.pdfDownload
 Geometric Patterns - 7 Overlapping Circles Grids.pdfDownload
 History Week 4.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Week 3

Hello Acorns,

I hope you are all well! Here are this week's tasks for Art and History.


Mr McPhail

 Art Week 3.pdfDownload
 History Week 3.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Read, Write Inc Extra Practice

Visit Oxfordowl.co.uk and look for the above icon to login. 

Username: bradfielddungworth1

Password: acornclass

This will give you access to the RWI extra practice zone. Below is a PDF information booklet for parents to download. 

Week 2

Hello Acorns,

Here are your tasks for the coming week in the subjects of History (Ancient Greece) and Art.

I've included instructions on each of the files, so I hope they will be easy to follow. If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to get in touch.  

I hope you are all safe and enjoying time at home.

Mr McPhail

Files to Download -

 Art Week 2 Templates.pdfDownload
 Art Week 2.pdfDownload
 History Week 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Week 1

Hello Acorns,

Below are your tasks for the coming week in the subjects of History (Ancient Greece) and Art

What’s it all about?

  1. Knowledge Map - this is a collection of all the knowledge you need to know/ will learn by the end of the half-term. Whenever you do a history task over the next half-term have this in front of you.
  2. What Do You Know? - complete the first two columns in as much detail as you can. You don’t have to write your answers on the sheet: you can use a separate sheet of paper for each section if you need more space, you could create a document, presentation or webpage on your computer or tablet.
  3. Research Challenge: Your task is to draw a picture of what life in ancient Greece would have looked like. As simple as it sounds to draw a picture, you’ll need to do some of your own research to draw an accurate picture. A good place to start is the web links and information on the PDF. But, don’t stop there - you could use books, television programmes, YouTube Kids, or other websites to find information about the Ancient Greeks. As you research, write notes.
  4. Once you have completed the Research Challenge, complete the final column of What Do You Know?
  5. Timeline Challenge – follow the instructions on the PDF.
  6. Art - Choose one of the line drawings of Greek gods and goddesses. Trace out the line drawing using a pencil. Then, using the information cards provided, find out more about the deity you have chosen. Using what you find out, draw an appropriate background for your tracing. Finally colour or paint your drawing according to what you have available. Art Greater Depth – Can you use shading with a pencil?

I hope you are all safe and enjoying time at home.

Mr McPhail

Files to download -

 1. Ancient Greeks KS2 Knowledge Mat.pdfDownload
 2. History - What Do You Know - Home Learning - Summer 1 Week 1 Task 2.pdfDownload
 3. History- Research Challenge -Home Learning - Summer 1 Week 1 Task 1.pdfDownload
 5. History- Timeline Challenge -Home Learning - Summer 1 Week 1 Task 3.pdfDownload
 6. Art - Drawing Skills Tracing -Home Learning - Summer 1 Week 1.pdfDownload
 6. Art - Information Cards for Drawing Task - Home Learning - Summer 1 Week 1.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Making Volcanic Eruptions

We made volcanoes using modroc. We painted them and then used red food colouring, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to create a chemical explosion. 

Y3/4 Benchball team

6 children competed in a bench ball competition at Bradfield Secondary School.


Acorn Visit to the Medina Masjid.

Y3 children have started learning French whilst the Y4 children are learning to play the flute. The Y3s have learnt about different greetings and can ask you 'How are you today'. 

Click here to watch a video with different greetings

Now they are learning different classroom instructions.



We have started off our topic on THE STONE AGE.

We have been archaeologist's trying to 

We had some ancient 'poo' from 3 different periods in history and we had to find out which was from where. Discover, examine and record.

Here are some photo's.

3 Weirs Walk.

Last Friday we went to walk the 5 Weirs Walk. We had a great time looking at small models built from stones and looking out for a Kingfisher!

Unfortunately 2 parts of the walk had been closed for repair that week!!  
Here are some photos of our day.

Bouncy Obstacle Course comes to Dungworth...


Halle Orchestra - Meet a Player

On Friday Acorn class had a special visitor - Simon the bassoon player. He came and told us all about the different instruments in an orchestra. he showed us his bassoon. Then we composed a piece of music together inspired by nature which is the theme of Mahler's 1st symphony. 

In the evening. some of us went to Sheffield City Hall to listen to the Halle Orchestra play in a concert. There were over 70 musicians all on stage at once playing together. Simon came to see us at the interval.

Converting media.
(Media will continue converting in the background)

Making 3D models of the sections of a river

We had a fantastic day learning all about World War 2.

We learnt about The Blitz in Sheffield, Morse code messages, how to put out an incendiary bomb and what we would do if we had been around in that time in history. 

We had great fun!!

What an AMAZING time we had on our Y3/4/5 Residential to Castleton!

Walking, bread making, candle making, gem panning, shelter building, fire lighting,archery, jumblies and exploring the Peak cavern. 

We came back tired out but happy!!

We can't wait for the next residential.


Watch out for the Sporting star of the future!!

Our year 3's competed in the annual games at the EIS. What a fantastic day they had!! Watch out for the teacher on the space hopper!

Some children are running so fast it was hard to catch a photo of them!!!.


We were very lucky to have Madeline's mum, Mrs Ferguson, to come and tell her about her job as a Dental Technician. She showed us how she made dentures, what teeth are like and why people loose teeth. Then we had a go at modelling our own teeth. It brought a smile to all of us!!


We have enjoyed learning about chocolate this term. Where it comes from , how it is made and all about fair trade. So we decided to make our own chocolate.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

From Mouth To Toilet.

Last week we learnt about the Digestive System. 

Then we made our own!!

We saw what happened to the food at different parts of the journey from mouth to toilet!


We hotseated some people to see what they thought about Fairtrade..

We asked the farmer, the trader and the shopkeeper questions.

Welcome to - The Chocolate Factory and the Great British Biscuit!

We designed biscuits with squeezy chocolate and plain biscuits.

We had a chocolate tasting session. Which chocolate was best?? We graded them on taste,texture and smell.

Chocolate Buttons were our favourite!!!


We worked hard to create, make and play an old Viking Game called HNEFTAFL.

Antarctica phone call

 Today we received a phone call from two scientists, Ali and Sam, working at the Rothera Research Station - the largest British Antarctic facility. We spent this morning researching about Ali and the research station in preparation to ask questions when she phoned at 10am. We must have asked around 50 questions - receiving a detailed and interesting answer to each. We learnt about their role monitoring the skua population on Antarctica.

Our Viking Dance.

Bones, Bones, Bones.

We made skeletons today.

Keldon's Uncle came and showed us some Viking artefacts.

We looked at shields, daggers, and even a sword.

We are incredibly proud of how Acorn Class conducted themselves during the Ceremony of the Planting of the Oak Tree in Dungworth Park.

We researched different things about Vikings and then presented our findings to the rest of the class.

Acorn Class are fantastic gymnasts...

We have been busy in our Science lessons looking at how exercise affects our brains..

We have done 3 tests. Get your children to tell you about them.


Can you do the Stroop Test? Read the colour not the word!!

Welcome to Acorn Class.

Your teachers this year are

Mrs. Flewitt  and Mrs. Watts

Mrs. Cooper and Mrs.Benson work in Acorn Class as well.

Our topic for this term is THE VIKINGS and we have already been on a visit to The Dig and Jorvik in York.

Residential to Ravenstor.

Jamie at the EIS.


This term we have been looking at different forces.

We had great fun making parachutes when we were looking at Air Resistance.

When it came to Water Resistance we designed and made small boats from the materials provided. We then timed which boat travelled the quickest through the water.