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We hope that you enjoy visiting our site and find the information useful. 

    • You can keep up to date with whole-school events on our News page. You will find our Term Dates here.
    • Choose Letters to see the recent Newsletters and information that has been sent out, including a calendar of events. 
    • You can find information about  Peak Edge Academy Trust here
    • The PFA section is where you will find information about the activities organised by our Parents and Friends Association.
    • Take a look at the class blogs for Ivy, SquirrelOwl, Fern and Fawn to find out what each class has been learning about.
    • Also you will find an overview of the school on the About Us pages, including Pupil Premium and Admissions details.
    • If you would like to know about our school Governors, you can find information here
    • We welcome views from parents and carers. Please register and complete the online survey about our school at Ofsted's Parent View Website
    • Find out about job vacancies here



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Comments (10)
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matilda taylor(a couple of years ago)

I thought that PGL was really fun and if I had the chance to stay for a week I would.

Adam webster(a couple of years ago)

I like this website!

joe fairfax(a few years ago)

hi i used to go to your school can you tell the teachers that said hi and i miss them espacially mr beagle

luucaaaaSSSSS(a few years ago)

gweat school!

Lewis.S(a few years ago)

Just looking for information for the newspaper. This information has to come from somewhere eh?

Lewis Snowdon(a few years ago)

Just grabbing information for the last newspaper we'll be doing this year. We're doing a six page special for the year sixes leaving. the information needed was just events happening throughout July and other things that will give me Arthur and Joseph something to work with. Thank you

Jenni Fedder(a few years ago)

The Jade Class blog is great - especially the week review by the children... I can keep up to date now...!!

Gordon Ibbotson(a few years ago)

Attended 1947-1954. Much smaller school then - our was a baby boom year with about 7 in the year. One room for all infants with Mrs Wood, one for all juniors with Mrs Anderson. Happy days.

George.L(about a decade ago)

I love the blog

Ali Heath Cook(about a decade ago)

Enthusiasm, Excitement, Pride. Just 3 words that spring to mind when the children show their work displayed on the walls in school.